
Open Collective is an open source project and we love to receive contributions from our community — you!

First, thank you for considering contributing to Open Collective! It's people like you that make this such a great community. We welcome any type of contribution, not only code.

Check out our Roadmap for the latest priorities.

You can help with:

Code Contributions

Unsure where to begin contributing to Open Collective? You can start by looking through the [good first issues]("good+first+issue"), which should only require a few lines of code, and a test or two.

Want to get paid for contributing code? Check out our bounty program.

General guidelines

Code review process

The bigger the pull request, the longer it will take to review and merge. Try to break down large pull requests into smaller chunks. If it's a bug fix, it will probably be quickly merged and deployed. If it's a new feature, it will need more testing and review.

If you have any questions, reach out to

Last updated