
A fundamental aspect of documentation is figuring out how to present information to readers in the most effective way. A part of that is related to the way we create and handle namespaces, a set of schemes to organize content. Here's a few examples of the most common namespace types in documentation:

By "persona"

Personas are profiles of the target audience of a certain portion of the documentation.

Hubs by personas on MediaWiki's documentation
├── Users
├── System Administrators
├── Developers
├── Translators

By action

GitHub guides
├── Understanding the GitHub flow
├── Getting started with GitHub Pages
├── Forking projects
├── Making your code citable
├── Mastering issues
├── Mastering Markdown
├── Documenting your project on GitHub landing page
├── Set up and run MediaWiki
├── Edit and use MediaWiki
├── Develop and extend code
├── Get help and contribute

By subject

GitLab user docs
├── Overview
├── Concepts
├── Use cases
├── Projects
├── GitLab CI/CD
├── Account
├── Groups

By type

Clear Linux* OS documentation
├── About
├── Guides
├── Tutorials 
├── Reference 
├── FAQ

Last updated