We'll be updating our Product Roadmap periodically. You'll also find below guidelines for prioritizing features and projects as well as a template for new projects.
Roadmap September 2019 - January 2020
New Collective Page
In response to your feedback, we've made some big improvements to the design and functionality of Collective pages (and individual and organization profiles too).
Owner: Pia
Status: v1 Shipped 09-23-2019
Related complaints and support requests
Fewer people contacting us instead of projects
Conversions to contribution flow
Increasing one-time donations
More custom tiers
How many Collectives use customization options
Page load time
Homepage Redesign
We are re-focusing on projects that want to manage funds through the platform and we are re doing our homepage accordingly.
Owner: Xavier
Status: In Progress
Launch: October
Collectives create from homepage
Page load time
Clarity of message (qualitative) - we feel confident about
Onboarding Flow & Business Model
Owner: Xavier
Status: Researching
Launch: TBD
More self-hosted and unhosted Collectives created
Increase per-Collective revenue
Expense Flow Redesign:
Owner: Alanna (and Pia)
Status: Design
Implementation: End of October
More expenses filed
Less support requests
Less host admin time spent
Way fewer issues with invoices (fewer expense comments)
Use of the new features (ex batch expenses)
Back your Stack
Owner: François
Status: Ready to Deploy
Subscriptions created to Back your Stack.
Key questions for prioritization
This is what we ask ourselves to decide what gets done and what doesn't.
Does this serve our mission?
Will this make us financially sustainable within a year?
Is it feasible to build and maintain with our team and runway?
Can this make us move faster?
Does this increase quality and not technical debt?
Will this bring us more Collective and financial contributors?
Is this already solved elsewhere or is it our unique contribution?
Can we measure the success of this?
Template for new projects
Github issue
explain the feature.
Link to other opened issues or data.
Include details below.
Organize a special meeting or on a scheduled one.
Project owner.
Role: Facilitator, decision-maker, producer.
It's ultimately responsible for (needs to do or organize who does)
Docs & Comms
Post-ship plan for maintenance
Success metric(s)
Timeframe - kickoff and delivery, main milestones / roadmap
Last updated