

Active hosts, collectives and backers per month

    to_char(date_trunc('month', t."createdAt"), 'YYYY-mm') as "month", 
    COUNT(DISTINCT(t."HostCollectiveId")) as "activeHosts", 
    COUNT(DISTINCT(t."CollectiveId")) as "activeCollectives",
    COUNT(DISTINCT(t."FromCollectiveId")) as "activeBackers"
FROM "Transactions" t

LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c On (t."CollectiveId" = c.id AND c.type LIKE 'COLLECTIVE')

WHERE t."deletedAt" IS NULL AND ((t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'CREDIT') 
    OR (t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'DEBIT')) AND
    t."createdAt" BETWEEN '2016/01/01' AND '2019/01/01'
GROUP BY "month" ORDER BY "month"

per year with total donations and platform fees per currency (USD and EUR):

    to_char(date_trunc('year', t."createdAt"), 'YYYY') as "year", 
    COUNT(DISTINCT(t."HostCollectiveId")) as "activeHosts", 
    COUNT(DISTINCT(t."CollectiveId")) as "activeCollectives",
    COUNT(DISTINCT(t."FromCollectiveId")) as "activeBackers",
    CASE WHEN t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type='CREDIT' AND t.currency = 'USD' THEN t.amount / 100
    ) as "totalDonations (USD)",
    CASE WHEN t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type='CREDIT' AND t.currency = 'EUR' THEN t.amount / 100
    ) as "totalDonations (EUR)",
    CASE WHEN t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type='CREDIT' AND t.currency = 'USD' THEN -t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 100
    ) as "Platform fee (USD)",
    CASE WHEN t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type='CREDIT' AND t.currency = 'EUR' THEN -t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 100
    ) as "Platform fee (EUR)"
FROM "Transactions" t

LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c On (t."CollectiveId" = c.id AND c.type LIKE 'COLLECTIVE')

WHERE t."deletedAt" IS NULL
AND ((t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'CREDIT') 
    OR (t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'DEBIT'))
GROUP BY "year" ORDER BY "year"

Active backers per month

    date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") as "month", 
from "Transactions" t

where "deletedAt" is null 
    and "FromCollectiveId" != "HostCollectiveId" 
    and type ilike 'credit'
GROUP BY "month" ORDER BY "month"

Total (cumulative backers) up to a date


from "Transactions" t

where "deletedAt" is null and "FromCollectiveId" != "HostCollectiveId" and type ilike 'credit' and "createdAt" < '2017-11-01 00:00:00.00-00'

Collectives active (any txn) after 3 months, per monthly cohort

For all the collectives created in a given month, how many of them are still active after 3 months?

WITH "collectivesCreated" as (
        c."createdAt" as "createdAt", 
        min(t."createdAt") as "firstTransaction", 
        max(t."createdAt") as "latestTransaction", 
        EXTRACT(day from (min(t."createdAt") - c."createdAt")) as "daysToFirstTransaction",
        EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) as "activeDays",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 7 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 7 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active7",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 14 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 14 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active14",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 30 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 30 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active30",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 60 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 60 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active60",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 90 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 90 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active90",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 180 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 180 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active180",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 365 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 365 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active365"

    FROM "Collectives" c 
    LEFT JOIN "Transactions" t ON (c.id=t."CollectiveId" and t."createdAt" < '2018-02-01')
    WHERE c.type ilike 'collective'
    GROUP BY c.id)

    to_char("createdAt", 'YYYY-mm') as "month", 
    count(*) as "totalCollectivesCreated", 
    SUM(active7) as "active7days",
    SUM(active14) as "active14days",
    SUM(active30) as "active30days",
    SUM(active60) as "active60days",
    SUM(active90) as "active90days",
    SUM(active180) as "active180days",
    SUM(active365) as "active365days",
    ROUND((SUM(active7)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent7days",
    ROUND((SUM(active14)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent14days",
    ROUND((SUM(active30)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent30days",
    ROUND((SUM(active60)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent60days",
    ROUND((SUM(active90)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent90days",
    ROUND((SUM(active180)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent180days",
    ROUND((SUM(active365)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent365days"

FROM "collectivesCreated" 

Collectives active (expenses-only) after 3 months, per monthly cohort

For all the collectives created in a given month, how many of them are still active after 3 months?

WITH "collectivesCreated" as (
        c."createdAt" as "createdAt", 
        min(t."createdAt") as "firstTransaction", 
        max(t."createdAt") as "latestTransaction", 
        EXTRACT(day from (min(t."createdAt") - c."createdAt")) as "daysToFirstTransaction",
        EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) as "activeDays",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 7 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 7 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active7",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 14 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 14 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active14",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 30 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 30 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active30",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 60 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 60 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active60",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 90 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 90 THEN 0
            WHEN min(t."createdAt") IS NULL THEN 0
        END as "active90"

    FROM "Collectives" c 
    LEFT JOIN "Transactions" t ON (c.id=t."CollectiveId" and t."ExpenseId" is not null and t."createdAt" < '2018-02-01')
    WHERE c.type ilike 'collective'
    GROUP BY c.id)

    to_char("createdAt", 'YYYY-mm') as "month", 
    count(*) as "totalCollectivesCreated", 
    SUM(active7) as "active7days",
    SUM(active14) as "active14days",
    SUM(active30) as "active30days",
    SUM(active60) as "active60days",
    SUM(active90) as "active90days",
    ROUND((SUM(active7)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent7days",
    ROUND((SUM(active14)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent14days",
    ROUND((SUM(active30)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent30days",
    ROUND((SUM(active60)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent60days",
    ROUND((SUM(active90)::FLOAT::numeric/count(*)::FLOAT::numeric),3) AS "percent90days"

FROM "collectivesCreated" 

Monthly subscriptions active after 3 months, per monthly cohort

For all the monthly subscriptions that started in a given month, how many are still active after 3 months?

WITH "activeSubscriptions" as (
        s."createdAt" as "createdAt", 
        min(t."createdAt") as "firstTransaction", 
        max(t."createdAt") as "latestTransaction", 
        EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) as "activeDays",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 90 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 90 THEN 0
        END as "active90",

            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) >= 60 THEN 1
            WHEN EXTRACT(day from (max(t."createdAt") - min(t."createdAt"))) < 60 THEN 0
        END as "active60",

            WHEN (max(fc.type) ilike 'user') THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END as "isUser",

            WHEN (max(fc.type) ilike 'organization') THEN 1
            ELSE 0
        END as "isOrg"

    FROM "Transactions" t 

    LEFT JOIN "Orders" d ON (d.id=t."OrderId" and t."createdAt" < '2018-03-01') 
    LEFT JOIN "Subscriptions" s ON s.id=d."SubscriptionId" 
    LEFT JOIN "Collectives" fc on fc.id = d."FromCollectiveId"

    WHERE s.interval = 'month'
    GROUP BY s.id

    to_char("createdAt", 'YYYY-mm') as "month", 
    /* total subscription counts */
    count(*) as "totalSubscriptionsCreated",
    SUM("isUser") as "totalSubscriptionsCreatedByUsers",
    SUM("isOrg") as "totalSubscriptionsCreatedByOrgs",

    /* 60-day subscription calcs */
    SUM(active60) as "totalActiveAfter60days",  
    SUM(active60 * "isUser") as "totalActiveByUsersAfter60days",
    SUM(active60 * "isOrg") as "totalActiveByOrgsAfter60days",

    /* 90-day subscription calcs */
    SUM(active90) as "totalActiveAfter90days",
    SUM(active90 * "isUser") as "totalActiveByUsersAfter90days",
    SUM(active90 * "isOrg") as "totalActiveByOrgsAfter90days"    
FROM "activeSubscriptions" GROUP BY month ORDER BY month

Measure activated and deactivated Subs per month

with subs as (select s.id, s."activatedAt", s."deactivatedAt" from "Orders" o

left join "Subscriptions" s on s.id = o."SubscriptionId"

where o."processedAt" is not null and o."SubscriptionId" is not null and o."deletedAt" is null and s."deletedAt" is null and s."activatedAt" is not null)

    to_char("activatedAt", 'YYYY-mm') as "month", /* change to "deactivatedAt" to get deactivated count */
    count(*) as "subsCount"

from subs

Group by "month" order by "month"

Top collectives of a month

SELECT sum(amount) / 100 as "totalAmount", max(t.currency) as currency, max(c.slug) as collective, max(c.website) as website, max(c."twitterHandle") as twitter, max(c.description) as description
FROM "Transactions" t
LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c ON c.id = t."CollectiveId"
WHERE t."createdAt" > '2018-03-01'
  AND t."createdAt" < '2018-04-01'
  AND t.type='CREDIT'
  AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" < 0
 GROUP BY t."CollectiveId"
 ORDER BY "totalAmount" DESC

Top new collectives of a month

SELECT sum(amount) / 100 as "totalAmount", max(t.currency) as currency, max(c.slug) as collective, max(c.website) as website, max(c."twitterHandle") as twitter, max(c.description) as description
FROM "Transactions" t
LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c ON c.id = t."CollectiveId"
WHERE t."createdAt" > '2018-03-01'
  AND c."createdAt" > '2018-03-01'
  AND t."createdAt" < '2018-04-01'
  AND c."createdAt" < '2018-04-01'
  AND t.type='CREDIT'
  AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" < 0
 GROUP BY t."CollectiveId"
 ORDER BY "totalAmount" DESC

Top collectives by number of new backers

SELECT max(c.slug) as collective, max(c."createdAt") as "createdAt", count(*) as "totalNewBackers", max(c.website) as website, max(c."twitterHandle") as twitter, max(c.description) as description
FROM "Members" m
LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c ON m."CollectiveId" = c.id
WHERE m."createdAt" > '2018-03-01'
  AND m."createdAt" < '2018-04-01'
  AND m.role='BACKER'
GROUP BY "CollectiveId"
ORDER BY "totalNewBackers" DESC

Top backers of a month

with res as (SELECT CONCAT('https://opencollective.com/', max(backer.slug)) as backer, sum(amount) / 100 as "amount", max(t.currency) as currency, string_agg(DISTINCT c.slug, ', ') AS "collectives supported", max(backer."twitterHandle") as twitter, max(backer.description) as description, max(backer.website) as website
FROM "Transactions" t
LEFT JOIN "Collectives" backer ON backer.id = t."FromCollectiveId"
LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c ON c.id = t."CollectiveId"
WHERE t."createdAt" > '2018-05-01'
  AND t."createdAt" < '2018-06-01'
  AND t.type='CREDIT'
  AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" < 0
  AND t."deletedAt" IS NULL
 GROUP BY t."FromCollectiveId"
 ORDER BY "amount" DESC)
 SELECT row_number() over(order by "amount" DESC) as "#", * from res

All sponsors (all months)

    to_char(t."createdAt", 'YYYY-mm') as "month",
    sum(t.amount)/100 as amount,
    max(t.currency) as currency,
    c.slug as "fromCollective"

from "Transactions" t
inner join "Collectives" c on c.id = t."FromCollectiveId"

    amount > 0 and
    "CollectiveId" != 1 and
    t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" < 0 and
    t."deletedAt" IS NULL and
    ((t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'CREDIT')
    OR (t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'DEBIT'))
    AND c.type ilike 'organization'
    AND ((t."RefundTransactionId" IS NOT NULL AND
          t."data"->'refund' IS NULL AND
          t.type = 'CREDIT') OR t."RefundTransactionId" IS NULL)

group by c.slug, "month"
order by c.slug

Total contributions from new sponsors Vs. old sponsors per month

with old as (
    to_char(date_trunc('month', t."createdAt"), 'YYYY-mm') as "month",
    count(c.id) as "count",
    min(t."createdAt") as "firstTransaction",
    SUM("amount") / 100 as "totalAmount",
  FROM "Transactions" t
  LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c ON c.id = t."FromCollectiveId"
    t."createdAt" >= '2018-01-01'
    AND t."deletedAt" IS NULL
    AND t.type='CREDIT'
    AND c."createdAt" < date_trunc('month', t."createdAt")::DATE -- organizations created before the first day of the month
  GROUP BY t.currency, month
new as (
    to_char(date_trunc('month', t."createdAt"), 'YYYY-mm') as "month", count(c.id) as "count",
    SUM("amount") / 100 as "totalAmount",
  FROM "Transactions" t
  LEFT JOIN "Collectives" c ON c.id = t."FromCollectiveId"
    t."createdAt" >= '2018-01-01'
    AND t."deletedAt" IS NULL
    AND t.type='CREDIT'
    AND c."createdAt" >= date_trunc('month', t."createdAt")::DATE -- organizations created after the first day of the month
  GROUP BY t.currency, month

  old.month, old.currency,
  new.count as "# new orgs", new."totalAmount",
  old.count as "# old orgs", old."totalAmount",
  to_char(100.0 * new."totalAmount" /(old."totalAmount"+new."totalAmount")::float,'999D99%') as "% of new orgs"
FROM old
LEFT JOIN new ON old.currency = new.currency AND old.month = new.month

Note: you can limit this view to one single currency by adding WHERE old.currency = 'USD':

FROM old
LEFT JOIN new ...
WHERE old.currency = 'USD'

New sponsors created

SELECT slug, coalesce(sum(t.amount), 0)/100 as "amountDonated" from "Collectives" c inner join "Transactions" t on c.id = t."FromCollectiveId" 
where c."createdAt" >= '2018-05-1' and c."createdAt" < '2018-06-1' 
and c.type = 'ORGANIZATION' AND t.type = 'CREDIT' group by c.slug 
having coalesce(sum(t.amount), 0) > 100;

Total $ received per collective (all months)

    to_char(t."createdAt", 'YYYY-mm') as "month",
    sum(t.amount)/100 as amount,
    max(t.currency) as currency,
    c.slug as "collective"

from "Transactions" t
inner join "Collectives" c on c.id = t."CollectiveId"

    amount > 0 and 
    "CollectiveId" != 1 and
    t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" < 0 and
    t."deletedAt" IS NULL and
    ((t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'CREDIT') 
    OR (t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL AND t.type LIKE 'DEBIT'))

group by c.slug, "month"
order by c.slug

New collectives created

    to_char(date_trunc('week', c."createdAt"), 'YYYY-mm-dd') as "month",
    count(*) filter (where tags::text ilike '%open source%') as "newOpenSourceCollectives",
    count(*) filter (where tags::text ilike '%tech meetup%') as "newTechMeetups",
    count(*) filter (where ((tags::text not ilike '%open source%' AND tags::text not ilike '%tech meetup%') OR tags is null)) as "newOtherCollectives",
    COUNT(*) as "totalNewCollectives"
FROM "Collectives" c

WHERE c.type ilike 'collective' and "createdAt" is not null and "createdAt" > '2016-01-01'

GROUP BY "month" ORDER BY "month"

Revenue calcs

Revenue and transaction splits by month with all currencies converted to USD

-- Revenue and transaction splits by month with all currencies
-- converted to USD.
-- Note: the exchange rates are from November 8 2018

with conversions as (select
    date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") as "givenMonth",

    /* deal with currency */
        WHEN (t.currency = 'USD') THEN t.amount / 1
        WHEN (t.currency = 'EUR') THEN t.amount / 0.88
        WHEN (t.currency = 'MXN') THEN t.amount / 20.09
        WHEN (t.currency = 'AUD') THEN t.amount / 1.39
        WHEN (t.currency = 'CAD') THEN t.amount / 1.31
        WHEN (t.currency = 'INR') THEN t.amount / 73.02
        WHEN (t.currency = 'SEK') THEN t.amount / 9.07
        WHEN (t.currency = 'GBP') THEN t.amount / 0.77
        ELSE 0
    END AS "amountInUSD",
        WHEN (t.currency = 'USD') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 1
        WHEN (t.currency = 'EUR') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 0.88
        WHEN (t.currency = 'MXN') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 20.09
        WHEN (t.currency = 'AUD') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 1.39
        WHEN (t.currency = 'CAD') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 1.31
        WHEN (t.currency = 'INR') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 73.02
        WHEN (t.currency = 'SEK') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 9.07
        WHEN (t.currency = 'GBP') AND t.amount > 0 THEN t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" / 0.77
        ELSE 0
    END AS "platformFeeInUSD",

    Generate donations categories
    - added-funds (manually added funds - we didn't get a platform fee)
    // for rest of these we charge a fee
    - recurringMonthlyNew (new monthly subscription in this month)
    - recurringMonthlyOld (carryover monthly subscription in this month)
    - recurringAnnualNew (new annual subscription this month)
    - recurringAnnualOld (carryover annual subscription renewed this month)
    - one-time (one-time donations)

            t.amount > 0 AND t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" = 0 OR t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NULL)
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS addedFunds,

        WHEN t.amount > 0 AND
        d."SubscriptionId" is NULL AND
        (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" is not null AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0)
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS oneTimeDonations,

            t.amount > 0 AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NOT NULL AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0) AND
            d."SubscriptionId" is NOT NULL AND s."interval" like 'month%'
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS recurringMonthlyTotal,

            t.amount > 0 AND t."OrderId" IS NOT NULL AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NOT NULL AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0) AND
            d."SubscriptionId" is NOT NULL AND s."interval" like 'month%' AND
            date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") = date_trunc('month', s."activatedAt")
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS recurringMonthlyNew,

            t.amount > 0 AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NOT NULL AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0) AND
            d."SubscriptionId" is NOT NULL AND s."interval" like 'month%' AND
            date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") > date_trunc('month', s."activatedAt")
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS recurringMonthlyOld,

            t.amount > 0 AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NOT NULL AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0) AND
            d."SubscriptionId" is NOT NULL AND s."interval" like 'year%'
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS recurringAnnuallyTotal,

            t.amount > 0 AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NOT NULL AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0) AND
            d."SubscriptionId" is NOT NULL AND s."interval" like 'year%' AND
            date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") = date_trunc('month', s."activatedAt")
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS recurringAnnuallyNew,

            t.amount > 0 AND
            (t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" IS NOT NULL AND t."platformFeeInHostCurrency" != 0) AND
            d."SubscriptionId" is NOT NULL AND s."interval" like 'year%' AND
            date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") > date_trunc('month', s."activatedAt")
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS recurringAnnuallyOld,

    Generate expenses categories
    - total (all expenses recorded)
    - manual (submitted but no money exchanged from us)
    - paypal (paid through paypal)

            t.amount < 0 AND t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS totalExpensesRecorded,

            t.amount < 0 AND t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL AND
            t."PaymentMethodId" IS NULL
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS manualExpenses,

            t.amount < 0 AND t."ExpenseId" IS NOT NULL AND
            t."PaymentMethodId" IS NOT NULL
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END AS paypalExpenses,

    Generate user categories
    - backer
    - sponsor (org)

        WHEN (fc.type ilike 'user') THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END as "isUser",

        WHEN (fc.type ilike 'organization') THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END as "isOrg",

    /** isNotRefund: The transaction isn't either a refund or
        refunded. */
        WHEN (t."RefundTransactionId" IS NULL) THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END as isNotRefund,
    /** hasBeenRefunded: A refunded transaction represents the
        original donation from User to Collective */
        WHEN (t."RefundTransactionId" IS NOT NULL AND
              t."data"->'refund' IS NULL AND
              t.type = 'CREDIT')
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END as hasBeenRefunded,
    /** isRefund: A refund is true when the transaction represents
        moving funds from Collective to User after a refund. */
        WHEN (t."RefundTransactionId" IS NOT NULL AND
              t."data"->'refund' IS NOT NULL AND
              t."type" = 'DEBIT')
        THEN 1
        ELSE 0
    END as isRefund

    FROM "Transactions" t
    LEFT JOIN "Orders" d on t."OrderId" = d.id
    LEFT JOIN "Subscriptions" s on d."SubscriptionId" = s.id
    LEFT JOIN "Collectives" fc on t."FromCollectiveId" = fc.id
        t."deletedAt" IS NULL AND
        t."createdAt" BETWEEN '2016/01/01' AND '2020/01/01' AND
        d."deletedAt" IS NULL AND
        s."deletedAt" IS NULL)

/* End temporary table */

    to_char("givenMonth", 'YYYY-mm') as "month",

    /* donations */
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) +
         "amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) +
         "amountInUSD" * oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund) +
         "amountInUSD" * addedFunds) / 100)::DECIMAL(10, 0)::money
        AS "totalMoneyBroughtIntoPlatformInUSD",

    (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) +
         "amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) +
         "amountInUSD" * oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) / 100)::DECIMAL(10, 0)::money
        AS "totalDonationsMadeOnPlatformInUSD",

    (SUM("amountInUSD" * isRefund / 100))::DECIMAL(10, 0)::money
        AS "refundTransactions",

    (SUM("platformFeeInUSD")/-100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "OCFeeInUSD",

    /* monthly donations */

      /* total donations */
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyTotalDonationsInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyTotalDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyTotalDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

      /* old donations */
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyOldDonationsInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyOldDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyOldDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

      /* new donations */
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyNewDonationsInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyNewDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringMonthlyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringMonthlyNewDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

    /* annual donations */

      /* total donations */
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnualDonationsInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyTotalDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyTotalDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

      /* old donations */
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyOldDonationsInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyOldDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyOldDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

      /* new donations */
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyNewDonationsInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyNewDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
      (SUM("amountInUSD" * recurringAnnuallyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "recurringAnnuallyNewDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

    /* one-time donations */
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "oneTimeDonationsInUSD",
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "oneTimeDonationsFromUsersInUSD",
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg")/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "oneTimeDonationsFromOrgsInUSD",

    /* added funds */
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * addedFunds * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100):: DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "addedFundsInUSD",

    /* expenses */
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * totalExpensesRecorded * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "expensesPaidInUSD",
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * manualExpenses * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "manualExpensesInUSD",
    (SUM("amountInUSD" * paypalExpenses * (isNotRefund + isRefund))/100)::DECIMAL(10,0)::money AS "paypalExpensesInUSD",

    /* counts of transactions */
    COUNT(*)/2 AS "numTransactions",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyTotal + recurringAnnuallyTotal + oneTimeDonations + addedFunds) AS "numMoneyBroughtInEntries",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyTotal + recurringAnnuallyTotal + oneTimeDonations) AS "numDonationMadeOnPlatformEntries",

    /* monthly */
    SUM(recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) as "numRecurringMonthlyTotalDonations",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser") as "numRecurringMonthlyTotalDonationsFromUsers",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg") as "numRecurringMonthlyTotalDonationsFromOrgs",

    SUM(recurringMonthlyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) as "numRecurringMonthlyOldDonations",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser") as "numRecurringMonthlyOldDonationsFromUsers",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyOld * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg") as "numRecurringMonthlyOldDonationsFromOrgs",

    SUM(recurringMonthlyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) as "numRecurringMonthlyNewDonations",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser") as "numRecurringMonthlyNewDonationsFromUsers",
    SUM(recurringMonthlyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg") as "numRecurringMonthlyNewDonationsFromOrgs",

    /* annually */
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) as "numRecurringAnnualDonations",
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser") as "numRecurringAnnuallyTotalDonationsFromUsers",
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyTotal * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg") as "numRecurringAnnuallyTotalDonationsFromOrgs",

    SUM(recurringAnnuallyOld * isNotRefund) as "numRecurringAnnuallyOldDonations",
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyOld * isNotRefund * "isUser") as "numRecurringAnnuallyOldDonationsFromUsers",
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyOld * isNotRefund * "isOrg") as "numRecurringAnnuallyOldDonationsFromOrgs",

    SUM(recurringAnnuallyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) as "numRecurringAnnuallyNewDonations",
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser") as "numRecurringAnnuallyNewDonationsFromUsers",
    SUM(recurringAnnuallyNew * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg") as "numRecurringAnnuallyNewDonationsFromOrgs",

        /* one-time */
        SUM(oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund)) as "numOneTimeDonations",
        SUM(oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isUser") as "numOneTimeDonationsFromUsers",
        SUM(oneTimeDonations * (isNotRefund + isRefund) * "isOrg") as "numOneTimeDonationsFromOrgs",

    SUM(addedFunds) as "numAddedFunds",
    SUM(totalExpensesRecorded) as "numExpensesPaid"

FROM conversions
GROUP BY "givenMonth"
ORDER BY "givenMonth"

Monthly gross revenue, split by currency

  -sum("platformFeeInHostCurrency") / 100 as "revenue",
  date_trunc('month', "createdAt") as "month"
FROM "Transactions"
  AND type = 'CREDIT'
  AND "deletedAt" IS NULL
  AND "platformFeeInHostCurrency" < 0
GROUP BY "hostCurrency", "month"

Monthly gross revenue, split by recurring vs one-time

    sum("amount") as "origAmount",
    date_trunc('month', "createdAt") as "givenMonth",
        when "SubscriptionId" is Null THEN false
        else true
    end as "recurring"
 from "Transactions"
 where "type" = 'DONATION' and "PaymentMethodId" is NOT NULL
 GROUP BY "currency", "givenMonth", "recurring"

Fees by group by month for all donations.

Note: it doesn't include expenses (yet).

    sum(t."amount") as "origAmount",
    date_trunc('month', t."createdAt") as "givenMonth",
    cast(sum(t."platformFeeInTxnCurrency") as FLOAT)/100 as "platformFee",
    cast(sum(t."hostFeeInTxnCurrency") AS FLOAT)/100 as "hostFee",
    cast(sum(t."paymentProcessorFeeInTxnCurrency") AS FLOAT)/100 as "stripeFee",
    cast(sum(t."amountInTxnCurrency") as FLOAT)/100 as "totalDonationsInTxnCurrency",
    count(t."id") as "numDonations"
from "Transactions" t
LEFT JOIN "Groups" g on t."GroupId" = g."id"
where "type" = 'DONATION' and "txnCurrency" IS NOT NULL and "PaymentMethodId" is NOT NULL
GROUP By t."GroupId", g."name", t."txnCurrency", "givenMonth"
ORDER BY t."GroupId"

Active collectives in a month and how much they paid in fees.

You'll need to update the month start and end dates to run it for a particular month and update %name for different organizatons.

    sum(t."amount") as "origAmount",
    cast(sum(t."platformFeeInTxnCurrency") as FLOAT)/100 as "platformFee",
    cast(sum(t."hostFeeInTxnCurrency") AS FLOAT)/100 as "hostFee",
    cast(sum(t."paymentProcessorFeeInTxnCurrency") AS FLOAT)/100 as "stripeFee",
    cast(sum(t."amountInTxnCurrency") as FLOAT)/100 as "totalDonationsInTxnCurrency",
    count(t."id") as "numDonations"
from "Transactions" t
LEFT JOIN "Groups" g on t."GroupId" = g."id"
g."slug" like 'wwcode%' and 
t."createdAt" between '2016/05/01' and '2016/05/31'
GROUP By t."GroupId", g."name"
ORDER BY t."GroupId"


Amount we are holding for collectives at any given moment

Change UserId to other hosts to find out for anyone else.

    cast(COALESCE(sum(t."netAmountInGroupCurrency"), 0) as float)/100 as "hostBalance"
from "UserGroups" ug
left join "Transactions" t on t."GroupId" = ug."GroupId"

where (ug."UserId" = 40 or ug."UserId" = 772)
    and ug.role like 'HOST' 
    and ug."GroupId" not in (1, 7, 34) /* remove opencollective, tipbox and ispcwa (because it's negative) */
    and t."deletedAt" is null

Estimate how many subscriptions are marked active but haven't had a transaction in last 30 days

with recentdonations as (
    SELECT distinct("DonationId")

    FROM "Transactions" 

    WHERE "createdAt" between '2016/10/29' and '2016/11/30'
        and "DonationId" is not null and "deletedAt" is null

    d.id as "DonationId",
    d."UserId" as "UserId",
    d."GroupId" as "GroupId",
    d.amount as "Amount",
    d."createdAt" as "DonationCreatedAt",
    d.currency as currency
from "Donations" d

left join "Subscriptions" s on d."SubscriptionId" = s.id

    d.id not in (select "DonationId" from recentdonations)
and d."deletedAt" is null
and s."deletedAt" is null
and s."isActive" = true 
and d."isProcessed" = true

order by currency;

Last updated