You can set up events for your community and sell tickets that go straight to your Collective budget.
Create an Event
Log in to your Collective and scroll down to the Events section. Click on the "Create event" button.
Template: if it's your first event, select no template. If you want to copy a previous event, select it.
URL: the online address your event will have - very important so you don't get a 404 error.
Name of the event
Description: purpose, schedule, etc
Start date & time
End date & time
Location: the address will load a map
Tickets & Pricing
You can create several kinds of tickets.
Type (backers, sponsor, or ticket)
Name (eg, gold sponsor, free ticket, donation, etc)
Description (what the ticket includes or who it's for)
Amount (price) can be free or you can charge
You can add more tickets with the "add another ticket" button.
Add Images
You'll need to host your image somewhere and link to it with markdown syntax. Use this Markdown cheatsheet if you're not sure how. The basic format is:
The size of the image should be 750 px wide max.
Finally, click the "CREATE EVENT" button.
Edit or Delete an Event
Log in to your Collective
Click on the events tab
Click on the name of the event
Click "EDIT" on the event page
You will now be able to edit your event.
To delete, scroll down to the bottom and click "delete event".
I can't see my event listed or get a 404 error
You probably forgot to set the URL field when creating the event. Just write to us at and we will fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause you—we are working on improving this.
Email Attendees
If you want to email your event's attendees, you can do it in two different ways:
Send an email to $event@$ to reach out to all people who RSVPed ($event = the name of your event, $collective = the name of your collective).
Last updated